Artist, mover, choreographer, researcher

Sofía Ontiveros is a queer, Mexican dance artist and choreographer based in Tkaronto, Ontario. Sofía is a 2021 graduate from Toronto Metropolitan University 's The Creative School BFA Dance Program. The TMU faculty chose her for the Lipson Family Endowment Award for an Emerging Choreographer. Her most recent work Ojalá…, was showcased as a work in progress at CAMINOS 2023 by Aluna Theatre, and as a finished work at The Citadel Dance Mix 2023 by The Citadel + Compagnie. 

As a performer, Sofía has worked with various artists/companies like Kelly Shaw, Justine Chambers, Bobbi Jene Smith, Or Schraiber, Seanna Bailey, Zuri Skeete, The Bentway, Aluna Theatre, Teatro Línea Sombra, and A Front Company. Additionally, Sofía has continued her commercial dance training. She trained every Sunday with Kode Red Academy during their season 2023-2024 season, a performance and dance training company run by choreographer Jac Valiquette.

Sofía deeply enjoys creating in her life; cooking at home for loved ones, writing, dancing, acting, singing, playing the piano. She values curiosity and continuously learning new skills and knowledge. In her works, Sofía questions and explores social constructs, and how they play on individual or interpersonal relationships. Writing is important in her dance explorations, whether as pre-choreographic inspiration or as part of the movement. Merging and embodying texts in dance composition aids her in both research and personal growth/healing process. She is constantly left with important reflections post-choreographic research.

Photography by Aidan Tooth.

Photography by Maxim Bortnowski

Photography by Maxim Bortnowski

Photography by Aidan Tooth

Photography by Aidan Tooth